Home Garden

External Painting Tips

An easy way to dress up the exterior of your home is to paint it. A new coat of paint can help improve the house's appearance, and increase the value of the property if you're looking to sell. Painting the exterior of your home is somewhat different than painting the interior, so there are a few things that you should keep in mind.
  1. Prep

    • Protect plants, air conditioning units and other elements around the perimeter of your home before you paint. If there are any trees or shrubs that are up against the house, tie them back while you paint; cover other plants and the AC unit with tarps or drop cloths. Take the shutters off the house and close the windows. Fill any holes or cracks with putty, and sand it down. Scrub the siding and trim with cleanser and rinse it thoroughly.

    Types of Surfaces

    • There are several different types of exterior surfaces, and each needs to be handled differently. For a masonry surface like brick or stucco, you'll need to apply a coat of primer, especially if there are water stains visible or if the top coat will be glossy. Use oil-based primer on wood siding and siding that is bare. Don't paint on a wet surface, and check the weather forecast ahead of time to make sure that the paint will have the proper amount of time to dry before it rains again.

    How to Paint

    • If the trim and gutters will be different colors than the walls, paint them first. On the walls, paint the corners and around the trim, then paint the main part of the walls. Start at the top of the wall and brush towards you, going left to right, until that section has been painted, then repeat on the other side, going right to left. When two different sections meet, brush the strokes together so that the freshly-painted stroke blends in with the section that you painted previously. Let the paint dry before touching up any spots that you missed.