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How to Dry Wet Wood in a House

Damp wood in a house occurs on floors, windows, door trim, staircases and even floor joists and wall studs. This dampness develops when water pipes break or flooding occurs. Damp wood is salvageable if you remove the water as quickly as possible. The longer the wood is damp, the more likely it will rot or develop mold or mildew. Drying out the wood requires increasing the air circulation in the area.

Things You'll Need

  • Towels or a mop
  • Fan
  • Cinder blocks
  • Dehumidifier
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      Open all doors and windows in the room that has damp wood or in the whole building if the dampness is pervasive.

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      Remove all other damp objects from the house since they increase the interior humidity and prevent the wood from drying.

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      Mop up any standing water using towels or a mop.

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      Insert a box-style fan into the window sill of one of the windows with the air flow facing in toward the room. Plug the cord into a nearby electrical outlet and turn the fan on. Let the fan run constantly to draw exterior air into the building and dry up the moisture.

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      Place cinder blocks at equally spaced intervals on any wood floor that is damp. The weight of the blocks prevents buckling and warping as the moisture evaporates from the wood. Also, open all wooden drawers and cabinets to prevent buckling.

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      Place a dehumidifier in the room where the wood is damp, or if needed place one in each room. Plug in the dehumidifier and run it constantly. Check the water reservoir once per hour and empty it as water collects..