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How to Fill Holes or Cracks on the Granite Countertop

While granite is a hard and durable material for kitchen and bathroom countertops, not all granites are created equal. Some are more fragile than others, coming with small pits, fissures or weak spots that could be expanded into holes, chips or cracks over the life of the counter. While this is far from a common occurrence, it can happen around the edges of the counter, by the sink or in an area where a weak place opened up due to thermal shock. Filling these holes and weak spots not only helps keep the counter looking great, it helps strengthen it as well.

Things You'll Need

  • Stone cleaner
  • Soft cloth
  • Granite repair kit in the color of the counter
  • Masking tape
  • Razor blade
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      Clean the granite around the chip, hole or crack that needs to be filled. Spray on a granite cleaner and wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth. Rinse the granite well to remove any residue from the cleaner, and dry it thoroughly.

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      Place several pieces of masking tape around the area to be repaired. Get it as close to the hole or crack as possible to help keep the repair compound in the area it is filling.

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      Mix up the pigment and epoxy in the granite repair kit to get a color that adequately matches the area of the granite you will be repairing. If the granite is multiple colors, try to match a midtone to blend in the repair as well as possible.

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      Scoop up some of the repair compound onto the end of a razor blade. Scrape the razor blade across the top of the granite so the filler enters the crack or hole. Scrape it across the granite from several directions to ensure that the hole gets filled completely. Hold the razor blade at a 45-degree angle as you push the filler in, then turn it closer to 90 degrees to scrape any excess filler off the counter.

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      Let the epoxy begin to harden for 10 minutes, then remove the tape and use the razor blade to clean up the edges of the repair. Scrape the razor blade over the repair until it is level with the surrounding granite. Let the epoxy continue to cure and harden for 24 hours before you use that section of the countertop.