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How to Fill the Holes in an Italian Marble Floor

Shipping, installation and wear can create holes in the surface of Italian marble. These blemishes can destroy the sophisticated look of the stone. You can repair holes in marble with a filler and hardening compound. Both compounds come included in marble repair kits, which you can find at home improvement stores. The compound will fill and seal the hole to remove blemishes from the surface.

Things You'll Need

  • Marble repair kit (includes cup, filler, coloring tint, hardener, stirring stick)
  • Toothpick
  • Razor blade
  • Steel wool
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      Open the can of marble filler and place the compound in a mixing cup.

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      Dip a toothpick into the provided coloring tint. Dip the coloring tint into the mixing cup with the filler compound and mix with the provided stirring stick. Keep adding more coloring tint to the mix until it reaches the desired color.

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      Add the specified quantity of the provided hardener to the mixture. Some kits require that you add 1 part hardener to 30 parts mixture. Check the label for instructions.

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      Stir the hardener in the mixture for one minute to activate the hardener.

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      Place the mixture into the hole in the marble with the stirring stick.

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      Use a razor blade to smooth the mixture over the hole. Use the blade to remove the excess mixture from the floor. Allow mixture to completely harden.

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      Rub off excess mixture from the floor with steel wool.