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How to Assess Hail Damage

Hail damage during storms can have a mild to severe impact on buildings, crops and automobiles. Hail can be quite dangerous as well, because it falls from the sky at fast speeds and varies in size, ranging from the size of a pea to the size of a baseball. Hailstones may also cause permanent damage. People need to assess hail damage so they can call their insurance companies to report the damage after a hailstorm.

Things You'll Need

  • Digital camera
  • Camcorder
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      Look for the most obvious signs of hail damage first. Watch out for broken glass, sharp objects or downed live wires on your lawn. Make sure to wear proper shoes and gloves when walking around your property to assess hail damage, in case broken parts of a roof or gutters are strewn on the ground.

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      Check for dents in your home's roof, dents on top of your automobile, and hail damage to your crops, if you are a farmer or have an extensive garden.

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      Make temporary small repairs to your home after you have assessed all the damage. Cover broken windows and holes in the roof with tarps. Use pieces of plywood to board up sections that are too large to be covered with a tarp. Save all receipts for temporary fixes to your home, for your insurance protection records. Make a list of the damage you found.

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      Take digital photos of the damage to go along with the list you made. Pictures that display the date on the picture are ideal. Use a camcorder, with the posted date on the video, to record the damage around your property and home, where it is safe to walk. If the camcorder is recording your voice, make sure to speak slowly and clearly when talking about the damage.

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      Check with your insurance company about repairs, after the hail damage has been documented and reported. Schedule permanent repairs as soon as possible, because it may be difficult to secure a contractor immediately after a storm. Check the references of the contractor before committing to repair work. Make sure the contractor is local, licensed, bonded and insured.