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How to Remove Hurricane Debris

After the worst of a hurricane passes, those who make it through this trying experience are forced to reassemble belongings from their wrecked homes and businesses as well as clean up their property. The debris from the hurricane can be as large and cumbersome as a fallen oak tree or as annoying as a multitude of broken garbage bags on your lawn. Removing the hurricane debris takes significant effort, and you must be on guard against hidden hazards among the rubbish.

Things You'll Need

  • Yard waste bags
  • Trash cans
  • Protective gloves
  • Shoes or boots
  • Rake
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      Wait until the hurricane has completely passed before attempting to remove debris.

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      Walk with a trash can through the property, placing small debris into the can. Always wear sturdy shoes or boots when walking and thick protective gloves when handling miscellaneous debris to avoid accidental cuts.

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      Rake, bag and dispose of the massive amount of leaves and small branches knocked loose by the hurricane's winds.

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      Take large tree limbs and plant debris to a location on the property where local leaf and lawn management takes yard waste. If services are not available in your area, consider using the green plant debris as future compost and mulch. If you are unable to move downed trees, call a professional to safely remove them.

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      Collect scrap metal, broken bricks and concrete for recycling purposes.