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How to Fix Scratches on Sandstone Stairs

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock primarily composed from quartz and feldspar, and available in a variety of colors -- including yellow, brown and gray. The naturally porous stone is sealed to prevent moisture invading its surface, which causes damage, cracks and discoloration. Superficial scratches on your sandstone stairs occur to the sealant rather than the rock itself. Repairing the scratch properly is accomplished without the need for expensive tools or professional assistance.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • 1/2 gallon warm water
  • 1/4 cup powdered oxygen bleach
  • Plastic scrub brush
  • Soft cloths
  • Steel wool
  • Sandstone sealant
  • Lambswool applicator
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      Slip on a pair of rubber gloves and create a mixture of one-half gallon warm water and one-quarter cup oxygen bleach powder. Stir the ingredients until the powdered oxygen bleach is completely dissolved.

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      Dampen a plastic scrub brush with the mixture and gently scrub the affected sandstone step to remove any dirt, grime and grease. Dampen a soft cloth with water and wipe down the sandstone to eliminate the oxygen bleach residue. Dry the stair with a separate soft cloth.

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      Dampen a chunk of #0000 steel wool with plain water. Gently rub the affected chunk of sandstone with the steel wool until the scratch is eliminated.

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      Apply a thin layer of sandstone or natural stone sealant to the stair with a lambswool applicator. Allow the first layer of sealant to dry according to the package directions before applying a second thin coat with the lambswool applicator.

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      Allow the final coat of sandstone sealant to cure for at least 24 hours before touching or cleaning the sandstone stair.