Home Garden

How to Disassemble a Pellet Stove Vent Pipe

Pellet stoves are wood-burning stoves that act as both a stove and a heater for a home. To avoid toxic smoke fumes in the house, pellet stoves are attached to a series of vent pipes that remove the smoke to the outside. Over time, the vent pipe must be disassembled and cleaned because this ensures a safely operating vent pipe. Disassembly is easy but does require a ladder tall enough for someone to reach the roof.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Ladder
  • Pipe brush
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    • 1

      Pull the stove out enough to reach the back where the vent pipe is located.

    • 2

      Loosen the screws holding the pressure clamp in place and carefully slide the vent pipe off the stove. This is the flexible part of the pipe.

    • 3

      Set up your ladder and carefully climb to the roof. Locate the vent pipe.

    • 4

      Unscrew the vent pipe’s pressure clamp that is holding it onto the roof.

    • 5

      Pull the vent pipe up through the vent shaft with someone's assistance. Go slowly to avoid tearing the flexible pipe.

    • 6

      Transfer the vent pipe to the ground and carefully climb off the ladder.

    • 7

      Pull apart the vent pipe pieces on the ground and clean each component thoroughly with a pipe brush.