Home Garden

How to Vent a Rocket Stove

Rocket stoves aren't the height of technology, despite their name. These simple wood-combustion chambers were designed as safer alternatives to open cooking and heating fires in the Third World. Enthusiasts build them in a wide range of sizes and from a variety of materials. The one thing they all have in common is their ability to burn very warm on less fuel than a conventional fireplace. These homemade stoves are not generally recommended for home installation, but are very popular in backyards and outbuildings. If you've built your rocket stove from the ground up, venting it will be a cinch.

Things You'll Need

  • Stove vent collar
  • Pencil
  • Cutting torch
  • Welder
  • Sheet metal screws
  • Power screwdriver
  • Stove pipe elbow
  • Stove pipe
  • Rain cap (optional)
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      Use the collar as a template for the vent hole you wish to create in the back of your stove. Trace around it with a pencil, in a location near the top of the chamber. Cut the hole out of the back of your rocket stove, roughly the same size as your vent collar, with a cutting torch. Insert the collar into the opening and weld or screw it into place, depending on the collar's design.

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      Push the elbow tightly into the collar, with the opening pointing up. Insert screws through the pre-cut holes in the elbow and fasten them tightly to the collar.

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      Slide the first section of stove pipe over the elbow. Screw it to the elbow. Repeat for additional sections until the desired height is achieved. A small rain cap can be added to the top section, but it's not required.