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How to Deal With Basement Leakage

Moisture or standing water in a basement can create an inconvenience, lead to structural damage and potentially even generate health hazards. A number of factors influence the nature of the basement leakage, including the type of wall and the presence of -- or lack of -- waterproofing material. Drainage in the landscape plays an important role, and problems with surface or subsurface water on the exterior may need to be addressed.

Things You'll Need

  • Pallets, if needed
  • Dehumidifier or fans
  • Ladder
  • Sealant (suitable for below-grade applications)
  • Excavating tools
  • Waterproofing membrane or coating
  • Level
  • 4-inch perforated PVC pipe
  • Coarse gravel
  • Filter fabric or landscaping cloth
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      Move any objects like furniture, rugs and boxes out of the area. Alternatively, place these objects on pallets if there is a possibility that these goods could be damaged by water flooding the basement.

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      Dry the basement as quickly as possible to prevent the development of problematic mold or mildew. Set up a dehumidifier or fans, and open windows or doors to improve ventilation.

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      Check gutters and downspouts for clogs that are causing water to overflow and run down next to the foundation. Clear any debris from the gutter or downspout, and make sure that the downspout extends at least 10 feet from the house.

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      Investigate the landscape surrounding the foundation. Make any minor adjustments, or plan for more extensive alterations. Ensure that the ground slopes away from the house and that there are no areas where water could pool. Consider re-grading the landscape if this is not the case.

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      Seal or patch cracks in the inside of the basement using a sealant suitable for the specific wall material and below-grade applications. This may only prove successful for minor cracks and may be most effective when utilized along with other drainage fixes.

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      Install waterproofing membrane on, or apply a suitable sealant to, the exterior of the basement. This installation process generally requires the excavation of some amount of earth from around the basement, and it may be practical to combine the application of a waterproofing system with the placement of a subsurface drain next to the foundation.

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      Install a subsurface drain around the perimeter of the basement at the depth of the footing. Dig a trench along the foundation, making sure that the bottom of the trench is slightly sloped and extends to an outlet or sump pump. Place a 4-inch perforated PVC pipe at the base of the trench. Lay at least 12 inches of coarse gravel over the pipe. Cover the gravel with a layer of filter fabric or landscape cloth to block sediment before filling the remainder of the excavated space with topsoil.