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How to Detect a Bad Regulator on a Stationary Tank

Regulators are an essential component on all types of propane tanks, including stationary ones. They do what their name implies, regulating the flow of propane from the large stationary tank into your home. Regulators are mediators that create a safe border between the high pressure propane in the tank and the low pressure appliances it feeds. Unfortunately, regulators are mechanical components and therefore vulnerable to damage or wear and tear. For this reason, it is important to check the regulator periodically and to be able to detect a bad regulator.


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      Check for heavy frost. It is perfectly normal for some frost to show up on a stationary tank regulator. However, if the frost is excessive, it is possible that liquid propane is flowing through the regulator. In turn, the regulator is unable to function normally.

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      Look for foreign materials. If you notice that your regulator is corroded, covered in dirt or debris, it may have sustained damage as a result. If this is the case, have the regulator replaced.

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      Be alert. If you notice a propane scent in your home, then a bad or damaged regulator can be one of many causes. However, this is dangerous, so it is imperative that you leave immediately and have an expert deal with the problem.

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      Determine the age of the regulator. According to Propane 101, the "industry norm" for a regulator's lifespan is 15 years. Even if your tank seems to function properly, replacing it after this period of time is advisable.