Home Garden

My No-Wax Floors Are Yellowing From the Sun

No-wax floors are vinyl or linoleum floors with a hard coating applied during the manufacturing process. The flooring is available in tiles or sheets homeowners can apply to the floor. Lighter colors, such as white, can yellow after exposure to the sun. The yellowing on no-wax vinyl can cause the floor to have a dirty and stained appearance.
  1. Stripping the Top Coat

    • When a no-wax floor yellows because of UV light exposure, removing the protective top coating may eliminate the discoloration. Floor strippers are available for no-wax floors that dissolve the protective coating, or homeowners may use ammonia and detergent such as dishwasher detergent or powdered floor cleaner to remove the discolored material. Use a sponge mop with a scrubbing strip or a scrub brush to remove the yellowed material from vinyl flooring. Allow the solution to set on the floor for at least 10 minutes before scrubbing.


    • Remove the floor stripper from the floor before applying a fresh coat of finish to the floor. Use fresh water to rinse the product from the floor. Commercial stripping products are available that do not require rinsing or cleaning.

    Reapplying the Finish

    • Homeowners will not be able to duplicate the original coating on a no-wax floor, but a protective finish can give the floor shine while maintaining the floor. The products are applied to the floor with a sponge or sponge mop. Allow the finish product to dry to a shine.

    Protecting the Floor

    • Protect the floor with a no-wax finish. Products not designed for a no-wax floor can cause wax build up and yellowing. Some wax products and polishes trap dirt and dust, leaving the floor with a dull finish. Choose a water-based product for the best results on a no-wax floor. Immediately clean up spills to prevent stains. Minimize the floor's exposure to direct sunlight by keeping blinds and curtains closed during the times of day when it is strongest.