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How to Reseal Prefinished Wood Floors

Prefinished wood floors come with the stain and top gloss already applied to the surface before you lay them, which eliminates a big, messy chore after the floor is down. Prefinished floors tend to be just as tough or tougher than floors finished after installation, but the top gloss can wear off over the years as with any other wood floor. Resealing it is a matter of taking off the gloss and replacing it without removing the underlying stain.

Things You'll Need

  • Rotating floor buffer (rented)
  • Floor refinishing screens in medium grit and fine grit
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Tack cloths
  • Polyurethane floor gloss
  • Paintbrush
  • Extra-fine sandpaper
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    • 1

      Load the floor buffer with its medium refinishing screen. Turn on the machine and immediately push it forward along the floorboards, with the direction of the planks, moving at moderate speed. Pull it back toward you when you get to the end. Work your way across the whole floor, dulling the existing gloss.

    • 2

      Take up the dust with your vacuum cleaner.

    • 3

      Reset the buffer with its fine screen. Repeat the screening process. The surface should be entirely free of shine, but the color and stain patterns of the wood should not be affected.

    • 4

      Vacuum up the dust. Wipe dry tack cloths over the surface, picking up any remaining dust.

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      Apply the polyurethane with a brush starting in the furthest corner of the floor from the doorway. Brush it on in an even, smooth coat, keeping it thin and flat. Brush with the direction of the boards. Do the whole floor.

    • 6

      Allow the polyurethane to set for six to eight hours. Dull the shine with fine sandpaper, buffing it by hand. Wipe up the dust with your tack cloths.

    • 7

      Brush on a second layer of polyurethane. Let it set for 24 hours.