Home Garden

How to Cure a Slippery Floor

Some floor surfaces around the home can be slippery, which can expose residents and guests to possible injury. Thousands of people each year are killed or injured due to slip accidents that could have been avoided with a moderate amount of planning and effort. You can ensure that an especially slippery floor surface in your home is not a danger by using the right products and procedures to increase the amount of friction on the floor.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Mop
  • General floor cleaner
  • Painter's tape
  • Anti-slip floor treatment
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      Fill a mop bucket with warm water and a general purpose cleaner. Mop the floor being treated to remove dirt and grease. Allow the floor to dry thoroughly.

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      Protect carpeted areas, metal floor drains and baseboards using painter's tape.

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      Pour an anti-slip product on the floor and spread it evenly with a mop. Allow the product to set on the floor according to the time recommended on the label for the type of surface being treated. This is called the dwell time, and it is the amount of time required for the product to set on the floor's surface to etch it. During the dwell time it is important to ensure that the floor remains damp and doesn't dry out. Apply more product if you notice the floor drying before the dwell time has expired.

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      Rinse the floor with clean water and a mop. Ensure that all of the chemical residue is rinsed from the floor's surface.