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How to Use Disposable Diapers to Clean Up a Flooded Carpet

As one of the most absorbent products on the market, disposable diapers are an excellent helper when sopping up water from a flooded carpet. Households that do not have young children and disposable diapers on hand might add them to the shopping list for such unexpected emergencies. Disposable diapers do such a great job of absorbing the fluid that it's meant to absorb, it will do just as good of a job soaking up water from a wet carpet.

Things You'll Need

  • Disposable diapers
  • Scissor
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    • 1

      Remove any free-standing water. While the disposable diaper does a great job of taking water out of the carpet, it's best to dry the carpet out as much as possible.

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      Purchase a box of large disposable diapers. Since the diapers are not going to be used for their intended purpose, there's no need to buy the most expensive diapers with stretch leak protection or fancy Velcro attachment mechanisms. Buy the disposable diapers that can cover the most square footage and is most economical.

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      Take the scissors and cut the leg portion of the diaper to enable the diapers to lie face down on the carpet as flat as possible. The goal is to make contact between the absorbent portion of the diaper and the wet carpet.

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      Lay the diapers neatly in a row over the wet portion of the carpet. Make sure that there's contact between the absorbent part of the diaper and the wet carpet.

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      Apply a little pressure on the diapers to ensure that they are absorbing the water out of the carpet. Do not apply it too much pressure because you do not want to squeeze the water out of the disposable diaper back into the carpet. You just want to make sure there's enough contact so the diaper can do its job.

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      Carefully remove the disposable diapers and discard them. Take care when removing them because you do not want to inadvertently squeeze the water back into the carpet.

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      Repeat as many times is necessary to get out as much water as possible.