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How to Protect From Leaks in Hot Water Tanks in a Condominium

Water leaks are a destructive problem in any residence. Water leaks frequently spring up from faulty pipes or from hot water tanks. Water can warp floorboards and lead to mold buildup. Performing some basic maintenance on a hot water heater can go a long way in preventing leaks in your condo.

Things You'll Need

  • Absorbent cloth
  • Water bucket
  • Wrench
  • Garden hose
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      Examine the tank at least once a week to look for signs of dripping or water collecting at the base of the tank. Prevent a lot of damage by catching leaks early and getting the tank serviced. Inquire with your condo association about whether it contracts with a regular maintenance man who can check the tank for signs of corrosion or rust.

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      Wrap an absorbent cloth around the base of the tank and around any leaking pipes. Since many hot water tanks in condos are stored in a closet space, water accumulating in the smaller space may do more damage to the floor surface if you don't catch it quickly. Wring out the cloths regularly into a water bucket to prevent the water from spreading out from the storage area.

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      Tighten the drain valve on the water tank with a wrench if you discover water around the tank. A loose valve is frequently the culprit of a hot water tank leak.

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      Drain a leaking tank by siphoning out the water with a garden hose and into a mop bucket for disposal until a repairman comes to fix the tank. Shut off the water valves going into the tank to prevent the tank from filling up again. If you are renting the condo, contact the landlord immediately about water tank problems or maintenance needs.