Home Garden

How to Recover From a Major Flood

Natural disasters, hurricanes and heavy periods of rain can contribute to the development of floods. Floods can be disruptive and damaging to homes and communities. Even if a floodplain management plan is enacted to minimize flood damage for residents, your property may still be hit hard by a flood. Recovering from a major flood can be overwhelming, and can take weeks and even months.

Things You'll Need

  • Insurance claim
  • Rubber gloves
  • Household bleach
  • Scrub brush
  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Fans
  • Dehumidifier
  • Soap
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  1. Filing a Claim

    • 1
      Get evidence of damage.

      Photograph the damage sustained to the inside and outside of your home as indicated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. If your home has water within the home, photograph this as well.

    • 2
      An agent will report your claim.

      Report a claim through your insurance company. An adjuster will be provided for your case.

    • 3

      Separate any items damaged from the flood from non-damaged items. Write a list of damaged items. Provide photographs and your list for your adjuster.

    • 4
      File your paperwork.

      File a Proof of Loss form as suggested by the National Flood Insurance Program. This is a claim for your damages from the flood. You'll have 60 days to file this form prior to receiving payment for your losses.

    Home Assessment

    • 5

      Use gloves and boots prior to cleaning your home. Use a cleaning solution of one cup of household bleach to five gallons of water to scrub your house and contaminated items.

    • 6
      Remove porous products from your home.

      Dispose of damaged property that can become a health hazard. Items than have been wet for more than 48 hours can grow mold as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    • 7
      Get air circulating throughout your home.

      Use fans or dehumidifiers to dry areas of your home. This will also prevent the growth of mold. Open windows and doors in your home.

    • 8
      Dry important paperwork.

      Blot dry important papers and books and allow them to air dry. Use gloves to agitate books caked in dirt in water. Fans can expedite the drying process. Throw out non-salvageable paperwork.

    • 9

      Wash your hands with soap and water after the clean-up process. If you don't have running water, boil water for one minute to wash your hands. Let the water cool prior to using it.

    • 10
      You don't have to do the job alone.

      Contact a repair contractor if your home clean-up is extensive. This can help eliminate the stress of having to do the job alone.