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How to Choose an Appropriate Sump Pump

Sump pumps are devices that are used to keep water out of basements. Without an installed sump pump, water can slowly rise above ground level and cause a flood in the house. Depending on your budget and other factors, you may want to choose between two basic types of sump pumps, submersible and pedestal.


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      Determine how you want to place the sump pump. Go with a submersible sump pump if you want to have a pump that works under water. The advantage of a submerged working motor is that the entire device will be out of sight and will be noiseless to your ears. If you do not want to have a sump pump that is located completely under water, then go with a pedestal sump pump. A pedestal sump pump's motor works outside of the water pit.

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      Consider the risk of replacing a sump pump. Sump pumps are expensive, and you will want to prepare for any type of damages that might happen from using one. Submersible sump pumps operate under water, meaning that if the operational switch fails, it will require you to remove the entire pump out of under water pit for a complete replacement. A pedestal pump uses a float-activated switch. The switch turns on when water rises to the top of the float, keeps the water down and leaves the switch in a dry place. If the operational switch fails, it is possible to repair the switch and save you the hassle of having to have the pump completely replaced.

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      Work with your budget. Decide on how much are you are willing to spend and how often you want to replace a sump pump. Submersible sump pumps are more expensive because they help reduce noise, are out of sight and are safer if there are children in the house. Their price ranges from about $100 to $600, and they last about 5 to 15 years. Pedestal sump pumps are cheaper as they are noisier and do not have the ability to operate under water. They range from $60 to $200, but have a life span of 25 to 30 years.

      If you don't want to have a noisy basement and have the money, go with a submersible sump pump. If you don't mind the noise, want to have the option of repairing the pump easily if needed and like the idea of saving a lot of money in the long run, go with a pedestal sump pump.