Home Garden

How to Rid Paint of Mildew

The common definition of mildew is the discoloration of materials caused by mold. This differs from the scientific definition that considers mildew a fungal infection on a plant. The type of mildew found on a painted surface is the result of mold. Molds are commonly associated with humid or damp environments. Cleaning mildew from painted surfaces can be accomplished by most homeowners.

Things You'll Need

  • Warm water
  • Detergent
  • Bleach
  • Sponge or rags
  • Wet/dry vacuum
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      Clean the painted surface with warm water and detergent. Mix detergents with the water according to manufacturer's instructions. Wash with a sponge, rag, or brush, depending on the surface.

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      Rinse the painted surface with clean water. Dry the surface using a wet/dry vacuum to remove excess water. If a wet/dry vac is not available, absorb water with a sponge.

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      Wash the surface with a bleach solution. Mix 1/4 cup bleach with 1 gallon water. This mixture kills mold spores that may remain on the painted surface, and reduces the possibility of mildew reoccurring. Keep the painted surface wet with the bleach solution for 15 minutes before drying.