Home Garden

How to Take Mold & Mildew off Painted Surfaces

Mold grows in wet conditions and can form on solid surfaces, such as walls. Mildew is an immature form of mold and grows in similar conditions. Mold can cause health problems including asthma, nasal and sinus congestion, a dry cough, eye, nose and throat irritation, hives, headaches, mood changes and generalized aches and pains. It should be removed as soon as possible to limit damage to the surface and eliminate any health risks. A homeowner can do the job with standard cleaning products and appropriate safety gear.

Things You'll Need

  • Shop vac or pump
  • dehumidifier
  • Fan
  • Rubber gloves
  • Eye protection
  • Respirator
  • Water and detergent mix
  • Water and bleach mix
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      Dry the area where the mold is forming. Use a pump or shop vac to remove standing water. Use a dehumidifier to remove moisture and one or more fans to keep air circulating.

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      Put on rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator to stay protected while you remove the mold.

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      Remove and dispose of mold-infested porous materials such as painted drywall and wallboard.

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      Wash the moldy painted surface with a water and detergent mix. Rinse with clear water. Dry the area as thoroughly as possible.

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      Disinfect the painted surface with a mixture of 1 1/4 cup bleach and 1 gallon water. Keep the water and bleach mixture on the painted surface for about 10 minutes before drying it.