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How to Stop Sheetrock Patch Paint From Peeling

A moisture problem is the most likely cause of peeling paint on a drywall patch. If a water leak was the initial reason for the repair patch, the source of the leak might not be fixed. Or, if you didn’t allow the water-damaged area to dry before installing the patch, water might remain trapped in the ceiling or wall. In either case, hire an expert to ensure the leak is repaired and the interior space is dry. It’s also possible that water from the room is penetrating the painted surface. No matter the cause, repairing the area can prevent future peeling.

Things You'll Need

  • 3-inch drywall knife
  • 100-grit sandpaper
  • Joint compound
  • 12-inch drywall knife
  • 150-grit sandpaper
  • Oil primer
  • Interior paint
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      Scrape off the peeling paint, using a 3-inch drywall knife. Use the stiff blade to remove as much loose material as you can, prying it out if necessary. However, don’t gouge the drywall patch or the surrounding surfaces more than you have to.

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      Sand the patch with 100-grit sandpaper until it is somewhat smooth and even.

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      Apply a thin coat of joint compound to fill the nicks and gouges. A 12-inch drywall knife works well for covering large patches. Leave the area as smooth as possible. Allow the compound to dry for 24 hours, or according to the manufacturer’s directions. Repeat the coating and drying process as necessary until the patch is smooth and even.

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      Sand the patch with 150-grit sandpaper.

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      Apply oil primer to prevent moisture penetration from within the room. Stain-blocking oil primer is the best alternative if you have rusty water stains, which can bleed through other types of paint.

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      Apply interior paint, preferably a brand designed to withstand moisture.