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The Wood Used for Window Sills

Wooden windows have a warm, timeless quality that isn't easily imitated. Although other materials like aluminum and vinyl may now be used for windows, wood is durable and beautiful. Window sills are usually a part of the window, and the same wood that is used for the frame is also used for the sill.
  1. Types of Wood

    • When the window sill is made from the same wood as the rest of the window frame, soft woods like fir and pine are the most common woods used. Ponderosa pine, in particular, is the industry standard. Ponderosa pine is highly desirable because of its ability to withstand movement and jarring without sustaining damage, and for its ability to retain its normal size under relatively humid conditions. Sometimes the window sill is not made from the same materials as the rest of the frame. This happens when the sill is added or replaced later.


    • Wooden window sills come in a variety of shapes. Commonly sills are straight across the top with a rounded curve at the front and molding underneath. However, some wooden sills are hand carved. Hand carved sills are typically available in ash, pine, poplar, maple, oak and mahogany. Try matching the species of your window sill to the wood in the rest of the room. For example, if the hardwood floors are oak, use oak for your window sills as well.

    Staining Or Painting

    • Wooden window sills need to be stained or painted in order to be preserved. If wooden window sills are not stained or painted, they will warp as moisture gains entry through open windows over time. A stained window must be finished with a layer of polyurethane. A painted window needs only to be covered with a water-repellent paint.


    • Window sills and window trim can be especially prone to deterioration if not refinished from time to time. Look for signs of chipping paint and splintering wood. When the sill starts to exhibit these signs, it's time to refinish. Sand down old, chipping paint, or sand off the old layer of polyurethane and repaint and restain as needed.