Home Garden

The Best Way to Remove Bats From the Home

The most likely place for bats to enter your home is in the attic. Sometimes you can get just a single bat that needs to be removed; however, other times, you might have several bats living in your attic or other parts of your home. There is no need to harm bats when removing them. The best methods keep you and the bats safe throughout the removal process.

Things You'll Need

  • Large towel
  • Net
  • Large jar
  • Carboard
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      Stay against the wall as you move. The U-shaped flight pattern of bats causes them to fly lower as they enter the middle of the room. A group of bats flying low might seem terrifying, but rest assured --- you are not being attacked.

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      Open doors and windows. This allows bats to fly outside your home without you having to do anything more.

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      Remove bats based on their location. Bats on the floor or on tables or furniture can be trapped with a large towel. Fold each bat inside a towel and take it outside for release. Bats hanging from a ceiling can be removed using a net or large jar. Approach quietly so as not to wake it and raise the net or jar over the hanging bat and close it off with a piece of cardboard.

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      Check your attic for a family of bats. If you find several bats or a family, the noise made by the bat you're catching can alert the others and make them nearly impossible to catch individually. Open a single window and cover it with a net that's open at the end so that there is a way for the bats to exit. Wait for a few days. Bats that have left won't be able to get in the way they left because of their flying technique. Unfortunately, if there are younger bats living in the family, the bats may not leave at all.

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      Contact a professional if you are unable to remove the bats. Make sure the professional you choose humanely removes the bats and doesn't injure or kill them.