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The Best Way to Remove Ink From Leather Furniture

When ink gets on leather furniture, removing the marks is quite difficult. Depending on how soon you treat the area, there are a number of ways to remove all traces of the ink from your furniture. If the ink is discovered some time later, it may require more effort. Use household remedies to get the ink out quickly if you have the opportunity, or else opt for products designed specifically for this purpose if the ink has had time to soak in.
  1. Always Test First

    • Try your ink remover as soon as possible, but in the event that a particular cleaning agent affects your specific type of leather, you should always test it out on an inconspicuous area on the furniture.
      Even with professional products you should put a small amount of the stain remover on an area that is not readily visible (perhaps the backside of a cushion) and see if there is any discoloration before applying it to the area of the ink stain.


    • An inkstick is a non-solvent-based product designed to remove ink stains from leather and fabric. Purchase one of these products from a furniture store if you own leather and have children because it is likely you will need it eventually. Also, if you already have one in the house, you can treat the ink stain immediately and have a far better chance of removing the stain successfully.
      Even if you discover the stain too late for easy removal, this type of product is the best for removing the ink, although it may have to be applied multiple times.

    Rubbing Alcohol

    • A common home remedy for getting ink off of leather furniture is rubbing alcohol or products that contain alcohol.
      Use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to rub away a fresh ink stain on leather. After rubbing the alcohol into the ink, dry the area with a blow dryer. If the stain remains, try using a small amount of acetone-free nail-polish remover. The stain should disappear immediately. Use a leather surface cleaner to remove any traces left by the nail-polish remover. Using a cleaner with a leather conditioner in it will restore any moisture pulled out of the leather by the alcohol.
      Use other alcohol-heavy products such as hand sanitizer or hairspray as a substitute for rubbing alcohol to remove ink stains. Remember that these remedies may not be as effective if the stain is more than a few minutes old and always remember to do a patch test before applying.

    Regular Maintenance

    • Keep your leather furniture clean using water-based cleaners on a regular basis. According to The Leather Clinic, you should purchase a quality leather protector that will protect the surface from oils, dirt and cracking. This protection will also make cleaning future ink stains from the leather much easier.