Home Garden

Instructions for Applying Stencils

You don't have to buy and frame paintings to add interest and style to a room. Stenciling is a much more cost-effective and creative way to add your personal touch to your home. Stenciling is an easy technique, but it must be done correctly. A poorly applied stencil is difficult to remove. You must often repaint the wall to fix a botched stencil. Follow the instructions to the letter to get it right the first time.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Low-tack masking tape or spray adhesive
  • Level
  • Ruler
  • Paint brush or paint applicator
  • Paint
  • Plastic plate
  • Paper towels
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      Prepare the wall for stenciling. Dust the entire wall with a rag, starting from the top of the wall and working your way down to the bottom. Then wash the wall with a clean rag and an all-purpose cleaner from the bottom up; test colorfastness in an inconspicuous corner of the room first.

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      Position your stencil. Use a level, ruler and a friend to make sure the stencil is level and in the correct space. Once you have found the ideal position, tape it in place with masking tape. Or mark the corners of the stencil with your pencil. Take down stencil, coat the back with a light coating of spray adhesive and adhere it into position.

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      Pour a quarter-sized portion of paint onto your plate.

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      Dip the tip of your brush or edge of your paint applicator (sponge, cotton ball, foam rubber, etc.) into the paint. Then brush the paint brush on a folded piece of paper towel to remove any excess paint. Wall stencils should be applied with dry paint. Too much paint at one time can cause bleeding under the stencil and uneven edges.

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      Apply the paint to the edges of the stencil first. Stipple, tap or daub the paint along the inner edge of the stencil so some of the paint is on the wall and some is on the stencil. Fill in the interior of the stencil using the same method. Once you have created your first layer, add more until you achieve the depth of color you desire.

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      Peel the stencil off the wall. Allow the paint to dry overnight before adding another stencil layer.