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How to Fix Carpet Wrinkling

A wrinkled carpet is a potential hazard, since people can trip over the wrinkles and fall. In addition to the danger of injury, wrinkled carpets are not aesthetically pleasing. The best remedy is to stretch the carpet again. Professionals can do the job quickly, but this is often costly. With a few tools, you can fix your wrinkled carpet on your own, even if you don't have any previous carpet-laying experience.

Things You'll Need

  • Power stretcher
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    • 1

      Move the furniture out of the room. Vacuum the carpet once it is clear.

    • 2

      Lift three edges of the carpet off the tack strips. It is best to leave one edge attached so that there is a steady anchor for stretching the carpet. Consider using an object, such as a table knife or a flat-head screwdriver, to pry the edges off the tack strips if you are having difficulty using your fingers.

    • 3

      Lift the edge of the carpet opposite the anchor edge and separate it from the padding. Roll up the carpet.

    • 4

      Examine the exposed padding for wrinkles. If there are any, pull the padding straight.

    • 5

      Unroll the carpet to a flat position again and brace the end of the power stretcher against the wall at the anchored carpet edge. Make sure it is located at the center of the wall.

    • 6

      Extend the shaft of the stretcher until it is at a point approximately 6 inches away from the opposite wall, and embed the teeth on the head of the stretcher into the carpet. Push down the lever on the stretcher to stretch the carpet. While the lever is down, push the carpet onto the tack strip.

    • 7

      Release the lever and lift the head of the stretcher off the carpet. Move the shaft of the stretcher to a point about 15 degrees to the right of its original position and repeat the stretching process. Move the shaft 15 degrees to the left of the original position and stretch the carpet.

    • 8

      Move the end of the stretcher approximately 18 inches to the right of the starting point and repeat Steps 6 and 7.

    • 9

      Stretch the width of the carpet after stretching the length. Follow the instructions in Steps 6 through 8.

    • 10

      Cut off any excess carpeting at the tack strips. Pull the edges of the carpet onto the tacks and under the baseboard. Replace the furniture.