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How to Set up a Study Table for Kids

A quiet, organized place to work helps your child develop the early study skills needed to make him successful in school and in life. Create a peaceful haven for your child and his books with minimal effort by focusing on location, lighting and storage in your design.
  1. Location

    • The most important element of any study area is location. This is especially important for children whose attention spans are notoriously short. Assign a quiet area in your home, preferably within eyesight or at least earshot of an adult. The area you select should have a natural light source, be out of high-traffic areas and free from electronic distractions such as televisions and gaming systems. A quiet corner of a well-lit den or dining room offers the ideal spot.

    Work Surface

    • Once you have nailed down the location of your child's new study area, you must decide on a work surface. Invest in a desk properly sized to fit your child or simply repurpose an unused table to act as one. For homes with limited space, consider constructing a simple foldaway table that rests flat against one wall when not in use. Each of these ideas has pros and cons -- a desk comes with attractive, built-in storage for your child's study supplies, but it also takes up valuable space in a small corner. A repurposed table is free, but you might have to come up with freestanding storage options that might contribute to clutter.


    • Comfortable seating is also an important aspect of a good study station. Choose a chair appropriately sized for both your child and the work surface. A chair with minimal padding works best -- the padding will keep your child comfortable for the time it takes to study for an upcoming test, without being so soft as to cause backaches. Avoid wheeled chairs when designing workspaces for children as the wheels can act as a distraction.

    Lighting and Accessories

    • In addition to adequate natural light, a good workstation also has access to directional task lighting that can be aimed to fall directly on the project at hand. A desk lamp with a conformable neck offers an economical and workable solution. If the workstation you chose does not incorporate storage, add a pencil cup and paper tray at minimum. You might consider using a plastic drawer unit that rolls away under the table to store books, or mount a simple shelf above the table.