Home Garden

How to Decorate With Letter Characters

If you haven't tried textorating -- decorating with text -- now is the time to get spelling. Mount those old or large or vinyl characters up on the wall to let visitors to your home know where you stand. Whether it's propping single, oversized initials on shelving or committing to an entire wall covered in vinyl wall quotes, use the power of the printed word to bring a touch of coziness to your living space.
  1. In the Kitchen

    • Large wooden or papier mache letters that spell out kitchen-related topics display beautifully in that troublesome space above your cabinets; consider using words such as "eat," "dine-in" or "open." Or try applying press-on vinyl lettering directly to the wall above your coffee or tea station. Kitchen wall quotes such as "Wake up and smell the coffee" are popular choices for decorators. They go up and come back down easily without scarring walls, and you can customize them to fit the mood of your home.

    In the Living Room

    • Large, single letters propped on shelving can represent the homeowner's last name or the first names of each family member. Use them sparingly in a living room, intermingled with accessories such as books, greenery and collectibles. Another trendy move involves incorporating wooden letter tiles from old board games into your living room decor. Glue them together to spell simple messages; for example, "Love lives here" or "Happy autumn." You might even frame them behind glass in a simple crossword variation spelling out words that have meaning in your home, such as "Hope, Faith, Charity."

    In the Bedroom

    • Use letter characters in the bedroom as plushy appliques on throw pillows and wall hangings -- an especially savvy idea for kids' rooms. Or you might try framing and displaying a collection of vintage embroidered samplers on the wall over the bed. A colorful peg rack that uses vintage drawer pulls as pegs makes a gorgeous statement when you use it to hang distressed wooden letters. Tie scraps of pretty fabric ribbons to your letters and allow words such as "dream" or "princess" to dangle from the decorative pegs.

    In the Bath

    • Apply single vinyl letters to the centers of individual wall tiles to spell small words such as "soap" or "relax" over your sink and vanity. Or stencil a phrase onto an old piece of barn wood, such as "bubble bath," and mount it to a feature wall over a shelf lined with bath beads and luxury soaps. If you're a fan of shabby chic style, stencil the center of a vintage washboard with the word "guest," install one or two vintage hooks into the wood, hang the whole thing next to the tub and use it to hang a spare hand towel and wash cloth.