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Fun Painting Ideas for Kids' Playrooms

Dedicating a room in your home for your children's play allows them to make a mess and express themselves freely, and allows you to close the door on their free expression without it impacting the other rooms in your home. Personalize your children's playroom with custom wall paint tailored to their personalities and style. From stripes to polka dots and even a chalkboard finish, there are endless paint options available for your child's play room.
  1. Chalkboard Wall

    • Use chalkboard paint on an entire wall or a portion of a wall to give your budding artists a huge canvas on which to draw, write and create their artistic visions. Creating a chalkboard wall is a simple project you can do with specially formulated chalkboard paint. This paint rolls on in the same way as conventional paint; for best results, use a coat of primer underneath to ensure a long-lasting finish. Chalkboard paint is available in most home supply stores in the paint aisle and is available not only in standard chalkboard black and green, but also in bright and pastel colors.

    Themed Mural

    • Create a storybook scene in your playroom by painting a mural on the wall. Use your child's favorite book or movie as inspiration for your mural or create your own mural featuring your child as the main character. Create an underwater scene, a forest adventure, a seaside retreat or an enchanted fairyland for your child's playroom. Freehand draw your mural on the wall with a pencil and then fill in the design with paint. Have your child help you with this project to help him feel included.

    Street Scene Mural

    • Bring the outdoors in and give your children's playroom a chic or urban look by painting a street scene. Create the hip scenes of downtown New York, the chic look of a springtime street in Paris or a quaint village. Encourage them to play in a new and different world by creating part of it for them in the form of a street scene.

    Word Art

    • Paint inspirational or quirky words and sayings directly onto the wall in fun, bright colors and fonts. The words will act as a constant reminder and inspiration to your child and, if they are small, can even help them start to read. You can paint the alphabet for younger children as well.