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Fun Painting Techniques Like Feathering

Painting is a simple yet effective way to add decorative flair and a sense of creativity to your ceilings and walls. Rather than simply applying several coats of paint, use one of the many fun and easy painting techniques, such as feathering, to add dimension and texture to your space.
  1. Feathering

    • To use the feathering technique, first apply a base coat to the surface. Using a different color than the base coat, take a feather, dip the feather into the paint and lightly dust the feather over the surface. Apply the feathering according to your style and taste, using as much or little paint as you want. You can add a third or fourth color to add dimension to the surface.

    Plastic Bag

    • Use a simple plastic grocery bag to create an interesting texture to a surface. Take a plastic bag and crumple into a ball. Dip the balled up plastic bag into your desired paint and apply to the surface. You can apply in a circular motion, a back and forth motion or simply press the bag to the wall for a three-dimensional texture. When using this method be sure to scrape the paint off the bag between each application.


    • The mottling technique, also referred to as color wash, parchment, leather and antique glaze, results in a mixture of swirling colors that vary in intensity. You can use the mottling technique to create subtle textures such as parchment or more vivid textures such as leather. The basic technique requires a large brush, sponge, rag or roller to apply glaze in irregular sections over a damp wall. Apply a protective varnish coat to finish the look.


    • The pouncing, or stippling, technique is useful for softening and blending colors to create suede-like faux finishes. Apply a base coat to the surface and let dry. Use a wide brush to paint 12-inch-wide strips on the surface with the top coat color. Next, take a soft bristled brush and “pounce” the brush against the wall repeatedly until the texture of the bristles begins to appear. Continue to add coats until you achieve your desired look. Blot away any excess paint and let dry.