Home Garden

Painting Techniques for Backsplash Areas

Used in kitchens and bathrooms, backsplashes are a great example of how an area that offers protection does not have to look bland or boring. When painting your backsplash, you should first clean it well and place painter’s tape around the area you want to paint. Bear in mind that backsplashes do get dirty, so it is best to use paint that is waterproof and can withstand scrubbing.
  1. Faux Finishes

    • Instead of retiling or installing expensive tile for a backsplash, create the illusion. Using paint, you can create the look of ceramic tiles, terra-cotta and bricks. To create a faux finish, use drywall mud over existing tiles or the wall to make a bumpy-looking effect after placing painter’s tape on the wall that is one-eighth of an inch wide to mark off the backsplash. After applying the drywall mud, remove the painter’s tape and allow the drywall to fully dry. Sand the drywall to create the texture you desire, and reapply painter’s tape before applying paint with a textured roller or sponge. After painting, remove the painter’s tape, paint the “grout” if you wish and seal the faux tiles with a clear paint.


    • Great for creating patterned designs, stencils allow you to paint your backsplash area without knowing how to draw. With the help of stencils, you can paint repeating patterns or different shapes, or even create the look of hand-painted tiles. To paint with stencils, stick the stencil to the wall using painter’s tape. Dip the tip of a stencil brush in paint and tamp the tip of the brush on a paper towel to remove the excess paint. Then, tamp the tip of the brush where you placed the stencil. Remove the stencil, and place it in the next area of the backsplash you want to paint. Protect the stencil work with a coat of polyurethane.

    Hand-Painted Designs

    • Show off your creativity by painting your own backsplash area. Apply a primer to the area you want to paint and use a pencil to draw the image you want to create. Then, use paint to complete your artwork. Hand-painting your backsplash is a great way to personalize that area of the room.

    Magnetic Paint

    • Create an extra area to place reminder notes or recipe cards with magnetic paint. This special paint is non-toxic and allows you to use magnets to hang notes, like you would on a refrigerator. To maximize the magnetic power of the paint, apply several coats to your backsplash, allowing each one to dry before applying the next. A foam roller can help you apply the paint smoothly over the surface of the backsplash.