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How to Neatly Paint Walls

Painting is a low-cost way to give walls and rooms a new look. Paints are available in a variety of colors and sheens to suit your style. While painting a wall is not difficult, the mess of the activity does become difficult to avoid if you are not properly equipped with supplies to protect your floors and yourself from splatter. All the necessary tools for neatly painting walls are found in your local hardware store.

Things You'll Need

  • Floor and furniture drop cloths
  • Painters tape
  • Painter’s coveralls
  • Latex gloves
  • Paint tray
  • Sandpaper
  • Drywall spackle
  • Damp cloth
  • Bucket with paint tray
  • Primer
  • Paint
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      Move all furniture away from the wall and place drop cloths over the items to protect them from paint splatter. Cover the floors with the drop cloths and tape the edges so they do not move or shift when you walk on them.

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      Tape off the edges any areas you do not want painted, such as trim and cabinets. Painters tape is easy to apply and does not leave tape residue. It also reduces the chance of paint peel when it's pulled off and leaves a neat edge.

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      Put on painters coveralls and latex gloves to protect your clothing and hands from paint splatter.

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      Sand the wall to smooth the surface and remove any surface scratches or marks that could potentially show through the new paint finish. Sanding also removes any glossy areas that will prevent your new paint from fully adhering to the surface.

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      Use the drywall spackle to repair dents, deep scratches or holes in the wall. Paint spreads more evenly over a surface when it is flat and smooth. Use a damp cloth to wash away any dirt and dust created from sanding. Let the walls dry before continuing.

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      Prime the wall to seal any porous areas. Primer protects the walls from moisture and covers old paint colors so they do not show through the new color. Let the primer dry for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer.

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      Use high-quality paint brushes and rollers. Rollers will help you cover large areas faster and brushes make it easier to apply paint in small corners. Low-quality brushes tend to fall apart easily and leave brush strokes. Cheap rollers hold less paint and can leave your paint application looking uneven.

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      Insert the paint tray inside the paint bucket and slowly pour the paint to avoid splatter. Dip the paint roller into the paint and roll it against the tray to remove the excess. Excess paint on a roller creates drips and unnecessary paint splatter. Roll the paint roller up and down the wall, similar to a "W" shape, working on one section at a time.

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      Avoid uneven paint application by keeping a wet edge. An edge refers to the ends of your roller or brush strokes. Paint over the edges when they are wet to make sure you cannot see them in your finished paint coat. Wait for the paint to dry before you use a second coat. Refer to the paint manufacturer’s directions for recommended drying times.