Home Garden

Lighting for High Places

Lighting in high spaces creates a design challenge. While you don't want the room to seem cavernous you also want to take advantage of the open space that the high space offers. Several lighting options are available for these situations; consider your budget and personal sense of design to make the right purchase.
  1. Track Lighting

    • When choosing lighting for high places such as homes, office buildings or restaurants, consider cable track lighting. The cables anchor at four points across the room and the lights attach to the cables. Track lighting work wells for task as well as general overall lighting.

    Natural Light

    • Using natural light to light up high places is an excellent option. Place a mirror opposite a window to reflect more light, or install a skylight to bring in natural light. Additionally, windows can be enlarged to allow more sunlight.

    Pendant Lighting

    • Pendant lighting has a distinctive advantage for high ceilings because it can be adjusted for the height you need. A pendent light on a high ceiling should be hung about midway between floor and ceiling--at least 7 feet from the floor.