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The Best Ways to Light a Sloped Ceiling Room

A sloped ceiling can have an angle on one side, or it can look like an A-frame ceiling where both sides are sloped. When you have a ceiling at an angle, it can present some lighting challenges. But there are several options to lighting up any room with a sloped ceiling that will get you the results and look you want.
  1. Pendant Lighting

    • Pendant lighting works with sloped ceilings because of the flexible nature of the pendant system. It is a lighting design created by several individual fixtures hung from the ceiling. You can have a series of fixtures hanging the same distance from the ceiling, or you can create an individualized look with all of your pendant lights at varying heights. Pendants adjust very well to sloped ceilings and can be used to highlight specific areas of the room as well as offer general ambient light.

    Track Lighting

    • When dealing with a sloped ceiling, you increase your chances of getting the lighting design you want with the more adjustable kinds of fixtures. The lighting cans in track lighting can be angled or turned in any manner necessary to shine light at the proper angle in a sloped ceiling room. The track adjustments can allow you to move lights in ways that can act as spotlights to specific room displays or areas of the room, such as the couch or the entryway.

    Recessed Lighting

    • People sometimes discount recessed lighting for sloped ceilings because recessed lighting is thought of as a direct lighting fixture for flat ceilings. Several kinds of recessed fixtures offer angled lighting that can be static or adjustable. By using angled recessed lighting fixtures, you can enjoy the clean look of recessed lighting while properly lighting a sloped ceiling room.

    Table Lamps

    • Well-placed table lamps can help to light up the living area of a sloped ceiling room and add a lighting effect to the sloped ceiling as well. Table lamps in sloped ceiling rooms offer the opportunity to project colored lighting or patterns that you would not get with a flat ceiling. A colored light bulb in a table lamp can be used as part of the color scheme of your room as it projects onto the sloped ceiling. If you cut out a stencil for the top of your lampshade, it will project onto your sloped ceiling to add another decorative element to the room.