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Methods of Hanging Towels

Whether you simply throw the towel on the rack or rack your brain trying to figure out how to display a towel properly, there are many methods of hanging towels. The different methods of towel display convey different things about who you are and how you keep your home. Picking the right method for you is a great way to keep your bathroom tidy and looking nice.
  1. Keep It Simple

    • Simple hanging methods are the best for those who desire practicality and simplicity in their bathroom decor. Folding towels in half (hamburger style) over the rack is the best way to let towels dry after use. You can use this method for hand towels as well. In order to have towels dry quickly, you want to expose as much of the towel's surface to the air as you can. So, folding them in half over the bar ensures that none of the towel's surface touches any other part of the towel, which helps with functionality.

    Layering Towels

    • More ornate styles of hanging towels may utilize a layered method. Fold a towel over the hanging bar, and then place a smaller towel that is folded in the same way on top of the larger towel. You should combine colors and styles of towels in a way that looks appealing to the eye. Always put the smaller towels on top of the larger towels; otherwise, they won't be seen.

    Diversity is Key

    • The best way to hang a towel may be to look at your bathroom and assess what type of style suits it. You should have a variety of methods for storing towels, such as having some rolled, some hanging and others folded. Don't layer all of the towels in your bathroom. Have some towels that are layered and others that hang by themselves. In addition, you should consider hanging towels not only on racks but also on shower fixtures or other bathroom furniture.

    Hand Towels

    • A show towel is a hand towel that contains embroidery or designs and is used in bathrooms. Show towels should be hung near a sink or vanity, so guests can use them after washing their hands or applying makeup. Show towels should not be layered, because they are typically very ornate and elaborate to begin with. You may want to hang a hand towel or show towel near the shower as well, so guests can use them as wash cloths.