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How to Hang a Heavy Painting Without a Stud Finder

Hanging heavy objects, like paintings, on drywall must not be taken casually; without anchoring a hanger into a stud, the weight of the object can pull the hanger from the wall, causing damage or injury. Actually a misnomer, as they are designed to locate metal fasteners such as nails and screws, stud finders are useful tools when trying to locate wall studs. However, there is a simple method for hanging heavy paintings without a stud finder.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • 16 gauge finishing nail
  • Hammer
  • Drill
  • 1/8 inch drill bit
  • Wood screws
  • Screwdriver
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    • 1

      Locate wall studs. Examine baseboards and moldings, both of which are attached to wall studs with nails. Follow a straight line up or down the wall from the nails in the moldings. Electrical wall switches and outlets are also anchored to the side of a stud.

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      Measure the wall from the corner with a tape measure. Wall studs are most commonly spaced every 18 inches, but can range anywhere from every 16 to every 24 inches, depending on a number of variables including codes and builder diligence.

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      Tap on the wall with one knuckle, back and forth over a 3 inch area along the line where you think a stud is located. Listen for the distinctive change from a hollow sound, behind unsupported drywall, to a solid “thump” where the drywall is backed by a stud.

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      Pound a 16 gauge finishing nail, gently, into the wall with a hammer, directly over the spot where you believe there is a stud. Once the nail has broken through the drywall the point of the nail will contact the stud. Gently wiggle the nail loose from the hole with your fingers. A nail showing no resistance after penetrating the drywall indicates the stud was missed; try a new spot.

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      Drill a pilot hole through the dry wall and into the stud, with a 1/8 inch diameter drill bit. Drive a 1 inch long by 1/4 inch diameter wood screw into the stud with a screwdriver, leaving the head of the screw 1/8 inch away from the wall surface.

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      Slide the picture hanger over the head of the screw.