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How to Cover Ugly Drop Ceiling Tile

As the name suggests, dropped ceilings are composed of tiles that are installed in a dropped fashion, the purpose of which is to cover an existing ceiling or to create an inexpensive one. Though functional, they aren't the most attractive. To make the ceiling more appealing, use creativity to cover the tiles.

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric
  • Push pin
  • Gloss latex wall paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Self-adhesive wallpaper
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      Cover the tiles with fabric. Secure the fabric to the ceiling by tucking the edges underneath the metal brackets that hold the ceiling in place around the perimeter of the room. Insert a decorative push pin in the middle of the fabric and insert it in the tile in the center of the room to prevent it from drooping, creating a bubbled look in the material.

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      Paint the tiles. Use any color of gloss latex wall paint. Apply it to each individual ceiling tile with a paintbrush. Remove the ceiling tiles to paint them and replace them once they dry, or paint them while they are suspended. Paint the metal brackets, as well, to create a cohesive look.

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      Wallpaper the ceiling tiles. Use a self-adhesive wallpaper. Measure the tile's size then cut the pieces to size. Remove the ceiling tiles, peel the protective paper off the back of the wallpaper and apply on the tiles. Replace them after they are papered.