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How to Decorate With a Bed Crown

A bed crown functions in a similar way to a crown for kings and queens. It acts as adornment that draws the eyes upward and bestows an overall royal look. Unlike the crowns you wear which are always round, a bed crown is only sometimes round and sometimes oval or other curvy shapes. The crown attaches to the wall that the head of the bed rests against. Decorating with such an accessory is a surefire way to make your bed feel like a destination.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Chalk
  • Studfinder
  • Handheld drill
  • Curtains
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      Select a bed crown which matches the style of your bed perfectly. While they don't have to consist of identical materials, a chrome crown above a mahogany bed is simply going to look mismatched and odd, whereas a cherry crown above a mahogany bed will look much better.

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      Measure 4.5 to 5.5 feet on the wall above your mattress. Any higher or lower will either make the crown seem cumbersome or will dilute the dramatic effect it creates. Find the center of the wall where it will attach and mark the spots where you will drill it in. An off-center crown will look awkward and distracting.

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      Use a studfinder to check for studs in the wall where the crown will go and mark the spots. Drill in your crown with a handheld drill.

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      Add curtains to the curved rail of your bed crown. The curtains should be at least 6 feet long. Gauzy material is a common choice for a bed crown, such as chiffon or mosquito netting. However, you can use any fabric that is in a color that complements your bedding.