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How to Paint Real Roses Black

Black roses are a common symbol around the world. They've served as a symbol for the anarchist movement and for Irish nationalism, and they are often found in romance novels and science fiction. However, black roses do not occur in nature. Luckily, if you need some black roses for a costume, prop, or as an accent around the house, the process of making them is simple and quick; with a day's notice, you'll have black roses ready to go.

Things You'll Need

  • White roses
  • Vase
  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Scissors
  • Floral spray paint, black and green
  • Paper towels
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    • 1

      Fill your vase with water, measuring carefully how much water you use. Pick up your roses and cut the stems at a diagonal two inches from the bottom of the stem, leaving them pointed. Place your roses in the water quickly to preserve their freshness.

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      Add black food coloring to the water. Use 40 drops of food coloring for every two cups of water you've placed in the vase. Put your roses in a cool place, out of sunlight, and leave them to soak in the vase for an entire day.

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      Check your roses after 24 hours. The flowers will absorb the food coloring through capillary action and the black dye will be distributed throughout the petals. Push the stem through a paper towel to keep paint off of it, and use the floral spray paint to touch up any areas that remain white. If the stems have turned black, you may wish to use the green paint to brighten them up.