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DIY Zebra Painting for Girls' Furniture

If your little girl enjoys animals, you can encourage this interest by painting your daughter's bedroom furniture to look like an animal print. For example, refinish a desk or nightstand by painting it in a zebra pattern. Although you could hire a professional to paint the furniture, you can save money by painting the furniture yourself using a few inexpensive craft materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Sanding buffer
  • Sanding ring, medium-grain
  • Sanding ring, fine-grain
  • Vacuum
  • Washcloth
  • 2 paint trays
  • Latex paint
  • Paintbrush, 2-inch flat
  • Paint tape
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Sand down the entire outside surface of the piece of furniture using a sanding buffer with a medium-grain sanding ring. This gets rid of any old paint and roughness.

    • 2

      Sand down the entire outside surface of the piece of furniture using the sanding buffer with a fine-grain sanding ring. This makes the surface smooth and even.

    • 3

      Vacuum the piece of furniture to remove any sawdust and debris, then wipe off the piece of furniture using a damp washcloth. Let the piece of furniture dry for 30 minutes.

    • 4

      Fill a paint tray with black latex paint, then apply the paint over the entire surface of the piece of furniture using a paintbrush. Allow the paint to dry for four hours.

    • 5

      Cut out 2-inch-wide strips of paint tape using scissors to measure varying lengths, cutting the ends so that they are sharply tapered.

    • 6

      Peel off the backing from the paint tape, then place the tape over the piece of painted furniture in a horizontal pattern.

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      Fill a second paint tray with white latex paint, then apply the paint over the entire surface of the piece of furniture using a paintbrush. Allow the paint to dry for four hours.

    • 8

      Apply two more coats of white paint, allowing the paint to dry for four hours in between each coat.

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      Peel off the paint tape strips to reveal the zebra striping.