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DIY Funky Furniture for Teens

Furnish your teen's room with funky furniture pieces she will love to show off to friends. Create original pieces from reclaimed materials, which not only means your teen will possess one-of-a-kind furniture, but also demonstrates the importance of recycling and ways to reuse old items in a creative fashion. Make funky coffee tables as well as stools so your teen can utilize the furniture to play games or sit around and chat with friends.

Things You'll Need

  • Tree stump
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint
  • Knife
  • Saw
  • Old door
  • Coffee table legs
  • Hammer and nails
  • Drill and screws
  • Plywood
  • Chalkboard paint
  • Craft wire
  • Hot glue
  • Scrap wallpaper
  • Scissors
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  1. Funky Stool

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      Sand the top of an old tree stump with sandpaper. Visit a local wooded area to look for tree stumps to dig up, or visit a local nursery for tips and information about procuring a tree stump. If visiting a wooded area, make sure it isn't private property or a park under the protection of the local, state or federal government.

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      Wipe off any excess wood shavings with a clean, dry rag.

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      Coat the top of the stump with varnish for a glazed look. Allow to dry for about 20 minutes, then apply a second and third coat of varnish. Allow the stump to dry in between coats, and work in a well-ventilated area as varnish has a very pungent odor.

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      Use stencils to add some designs with paint to the top of the stump if desired, or leave the stump as is. If you do decide to paint, allow the paint to dry for at least 20 minutes before use.

    Funky Coffee Table

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      Use a saw to cut an old door to the desired size of the coffee table you want. Use sandpaper to smooth any rough spots and edges.

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      Use table legs from another coffee table or other small table and attach them to the four corners of the door with a hammer and nails, or screws and a drill. Attach plywood pieces as needed to reinforce the legs.

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      Paint and decorate your new coffee table as desired, such as creating murals with paint, covering the table in scrap fabric, or creating other designs and patterns with assorted paint colors. Write out song lyrics in paint, or cover the table in chalkboard paint so teens and their friends can have fun drawing and writing on the table.

    Funky Lampshade

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      Mold and sculpt several pieces of craft wire into a lampshade shape. Create a shape that will fit over a table lamp, and don't forget to mold craft wire around the middle of the lampshade shape for placing it over the lightbulb. Create a cylinder shape, triangular shape with a flat top, or any other lampshade shape that is interesting to you.

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      Cover the edges of the wire in hot glue and attach "rustic" pieces of scrap wallpaper around the sides of the lampshade shape. Cut the wallpaper scraps to size before gluing. Look for wallpaper in earthen tones, such as brown, shades of tan and off white, and olive green so the lampshade will match your stump furniture piece. Combine different pieces of wallpaper or use one type of wallpaper only.

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      Allow the glue to dry for about 10 minutes before placing the lampshade over a table lamp.