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How to Do an Antique Glaze Finish

Antique glaze is a form of faux finish applied to cabinets and furniture to give the appearance of age. This type of faux finish became popular in the 1960s when antique furniture also gained in popularity. An antique appearance is achieved by applying paint colors from light to dark. Begin with the lightest color as a base coat, followed by one or more glaze coats, with the darkest color as the top coat.

Things You'll Need

  • Sandpaper
  • Primer paint
  • Base paint
  • Chip brush
  • Feathering brush
  • Antique glaze
  • Absorbent rags
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      Sand finished or unfinished furniture with very fine sandpaper before applying base coat.

      Sand lightly, making strokes in the direction of the wood grain. Use wood filler according to manufacturer's instructions for new wood. Holes and scratches may be filled with wood filler prior to applying the base coat of paint.

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      Apply a thin coat of primer paint. Brush strokes should follow the grain of the wood.

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      Sand lightly to create tooth, a surface that will grab the next coat of paint, according to Tobias Freccia, author of "Paint Effects for a Timeless Home."

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      Apply your base coat of paint. Allow this coat to dry at least 24 hours.

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      Apply a coat of glaze to corners and creases using a chip brush. If you plan to use more than one glaze color, begin with the lightest glaze color chosen.

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      Wipe glaze with a tack cloth or lint-free rag to remove excess glaze.

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      Apply the first glaze coat to broad, flat surfaces using a feathered brush. Work the glaze with the feathered brush, stroking in the direction of the wood grain.

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      Wipe off glaze with a tack cloth or lint-free cloth. For an authentic effect, remove more glaze on broad, flat surfaces, leaving heavier applications of glaze on edges and in corners and creases.

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      Repeat glaze application and removal technique for each additional shade of glaze you use for this project.

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      Lightly sand corners and edges for a worn appearance, if desired.