Home Garden

How to Do a Window Guard Yourself

Cracks or openings around your window sills can cause heat to leave your home, and cold air can seep in. Replacing your widows with an energy-efficient alternative helps block a cold draft. But if you're unable to replace your windows, you can block a cold draft with a window draft guard.

Things You'll Need

  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Fabric
  • Needle and thread
  • Glue
  • Sand or rice
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      Measure the width of your window with a tape measure. Add 1 1/2 inch to this measurement to ensure that the draft guard covers the entire window sill.

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      Use scissors to cut the width of the fabric. For example, if your window measures 22 inches, cut 23 1/2 inches. Allow 8 inches for the fabric's length.

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      Fold the fabric in half. Stitch the longest side of the fabric with a needle and thread. If you don't know how to sew or stitch, use fabric glue to close the edge. Use this same technique for one of the shorter edges and leave the other short edge unstitched or unglued.

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      Turn the fabric inside out. This technique hides the stitched or glued edges. Use dry rice, dry beans, kitty litter or sand to fill the fabric. This adds weight to the window draft guard and prevents a cold draft.

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      Stitch or glue the remaining edge to complete the window guard.