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How to Decorate a Bathtub Glass Door

A glass door on a bathtub gives the room an element of sophistication that goes beyond the traditional shower curtain. But its decorative value doesn't stop there. While a shower curtain may appear to offer a greater variety of design possibilities in terms of colors, patterns and fabric textures, you can also decorate the glass door with those same elements.


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      Paint pictures or designs onto the glass door with stained glass paint, which allows the light to shine through, creating a shimmering effect. Cover the entire shower door for a dramatic effect or create a basic pattern around the door’s borders.

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      Apply vinyl wall decals to the glass bathtub door, which provides a changeable option for the bathroom. Peel the backing away and stick the decal directly onto the glass. Use kid-friendly decals that the children can move around as they please. Designs for all ages are available as well.

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      Apply a window film to cover the glass tub door. Use a pattern that mimics frosted glass for added privacy or pick one with a simple embellishment to add visual interest to the glass.

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      Decorate the glass door with decoupage. Cut out fabric or paper shapes and glue them directly to the glass. Let the glue dry and paint a layer of waterproof clear varnish over the shapes to seal them onto the door.