Home Garden

Ideas for How to Hide a Kitchen Soffit

Soffits are in interior areas that include cabinets. The solid architectural features hang downward from the ceiling, and the cabinets are attached underneath them. While some people enjoy a soffit feature in a kitchen, other people may find it unattractive. Hide a kitchen soffit using one of several methods to change the area’s appearance.

Things You'll Need

  • Mortar (optional)
  • Tiles (optional)
  • Artwork (optional)
  • Curtain (optional)
  • Eye-hooks (optional)
  • Wire (optional)
  • Curtain clips (optional)
  • Crown molding (optional)
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      Cover the kitchen soffit with tile to give the feature texture and style. Use tiles that match your kitchen back-splash for a continuity of appearance, or use them to create a detailed mosaic pattern or picture on the soffit. Apply a layer of mortar, and press the tiles carefully in place.

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      Hang artwork on the kitchen soffit to hide it from view. Line it with decorative plates, hang a row of small, framed pictures along it or display long, narrow accessories across it, such as antique golf clubs or skis.

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      Create a short curtain that spans the length of the soffit. Measure its length and height. Add several inches to the length for a curtainlike effect, or keep it the same length for a straight piece of fabric. Install one eye-hook on each side of the top of the soffit, and string a wire between them. Use curtain clips to hold the fabric in place.

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      Install tall crown molding on the soffit that stretches to the ceiling. Choose wood and finish types that match your cabinets, which will make the area appear as a natural extension of the cabinets.