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What Colors Make People Relaxed?

If you're looking to decorate a room in your house or workplace, somewhere to relax is possibly high on your list of priorities. After all, you want to keep stress at bay and enjoy your time in the room. The first thing to remember when choosing an appropriate color is to avoid red at all costs, since this is an angry color that won't help you relax. Thankfully, a number of other colors do fit the bill.
  1. Blue

    • The color blue is well-known for its ability to make both men and women feel comfortable, and has a soothing and centering quality. This color is sometimes associated with spirituality, as well as productivity, making it a suitable choice for an office or study, for instance. Beyond that, blue is also useful when it comes to choosing a color for a bedroom.


    • Green is a color that has clear associations with the natural world, being the color of grass and leaves. As such, it's a color that tends to relax people and bring an atmosphere of tranquility and peace into a room. Green suggests quiet, too, which makes it a highly suitable choice if you're decorating a study or bedroom, as suggested by the Furniture Luxury Design website. Some greens -- such as olive green -- are quite neutral in terms of shade, and both these and light greens are background colors that are not overbearing.


    • Brown is another color many people associate with nature and is sometimes paired with green. Thanks to its natural connection, brown tends to relax people for the same reasons. However, brown also communicates a sense of credibility and reassurance, which helps people to feel comfortable and at ease when they are surrounded by brown. Brown is a popular choice for decorating family living areas, and can be combined with colors such as blue and green. If you're choosing brown, avoid powerful hues and instead go for calmer shades, such as café au lait, the color of milky coffee.


    • A color long associated with females, pink doesn't have to be restricted to the bedrooms of young girls, though it does tend to suggest femininity. Though pink isn't too far from red, it is known to have a vastly different effect from red, relaxing rather than causing anger. In fact, pink is a color that promotes peace, non-aggression and even weakness.