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How to Feng Shui a Small Bathroom

Decorating an area with feng shui in mind means that you want to create a calming area filled with colors and accents that will bring desired qualities into your life. The bathroom has always been considered a problem in feng shui, as it is filled with drains that are said to sap energy from a room or a home. Small bathrooms, in particular, tend to be cluttered, which is another problem with feng shui. Learn how to bring elements into your bathroom and arrange the things that are already there so that your bathroom is as tranquil as the rest of your home.


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      Keep your toilet lid, your sink drains and your bathtub or shower drains closed when they are not in use. Energy from your home is thought to be continually lost through the drains, so keeping them closed is thought to help retain your energy. Keep your bathroom door closed as well so that the energy of the room is kept inside it.

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      Fix leaking pipes or faucets. A dripping faucet or pipe will cause you to be unsettled as you will feel guilty that you are wasting water and money. Having it fixed will make you feel better when you are in the room, therefore make the energy better.

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      Keep your bathroom clean and simple. You cleanse yourself in the bathroom, therefore your old chi can be left in there. To avoid having it trapped in the bathroom, avoid heavy rugs or carpets, lots of bathrobes or towels or wet towels. Keep those items inside cabinets or in a linen closet outside of the bathroom.

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      Let natural light into the bathroom if you have a window. The natural light will help the room to look bigger as well as bring natural chi into the space.

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      Bring plants into the bathroom. Plants add more natural elements to the bathroom, which helps cleanse it of bad energy and old chi.

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      Keep clutter to a minimum. Use baskets and drawers to keep your items organized and hidden away rather than scattered around the bathroom or on your countertop.