Home Garden

How to Troubleshoot a Gas Furnace With Rumbling Problems

Having a furnace that makes rumbling noises during operation can become a source of frustration and disrupt your daily life. Furnace noises can happen anytime and may even disrupt your family’s sleep, if the rumbling is loud enough. Usually a rumbling furnace indicates an issue with one or more parts. Perform some different troubleshooting fixes to eliminate the noise.


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      Turn off the gas supply to the furnace and clean any sediment, dirt or debris off the gas burners. Clean the burners according to the recommendations of your specific furnace brand.

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      Inspect the panels all around the furnace to ensure all are secure. Tighten any loose screws so the panels won’t rattle or rumble during operation.

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      Adjust the pilot light to try and stop the rumbling noise. Turn the thermostat to a high setting that demands heat. Locate the pilot valve body near the gas burners and turn the knob to the “Off” position. Wait for three minutes for the gas to clear from the line, then turn the knob back on and light the pilot again with a long barbecue lighter or match.