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How Often Should You Change Heating System Filters?

A dirty air filter can impact how efficiently your heating or air conditioning unit functions. Clogged filters restrict proper airflow forcing the system to work harder to push the needed air into the home. The result is a higher heating or cooling bill. Additionally, most filters pick up and trap dust and allergens. When filters are not cleaned or changed, inevitably some of that unwanted debris will make its way into your air.
  1. General Information

    • Changing an air filter is an easy task in most instances. All it requires is knowledge of the type of heating and air conditioning unit, where the filter is within the unit, the type of filter being used, the size of filter required and how often it should be replaced. This information is readily available through the manufacturer’s information booklet provided with the system. It also discloses the manufacturer’s recommendation with regard to timing for filter cleaning or replacement.

    Scheduled Filter Changes for Different Kinds of Filters

    • Air Conditioning and Heating recommends changing air filters as specified by the manufacturer of the heating or cooling unit whenever possible. They also point out that, in many localities, there are companies available to perform the service for anyone who does not want to do the maintenance themselves.

      According to The Money Pit, most standard air filters need to be changed more often during peak use such as summer and winter. They recommend a monthly changing or no more than every 3 months.

      Western Heating and Cooling, Inc. says much depends on the type of filter being changed. They recommend replaceable 1-inch filters be changed bi-monthly while the thicker 4-inch varieties may last a full six months before a change is required.

      In order for high efficiency particle air, or HEPA, filters to do their jobs, they should also be changed or cleaned routinely, about every three months.

      Paper and fiberglass filters, no matter the brand, typically last no longer than three months.

      Some washable filters, like those made of aluminum, can be cleaned only as needed. However, they must be checked routinely to avoid dirt buildup.

      Inspectapedia says cascaded air filters require monthly changing.

      So called “lifetime” filters such as electrostatic or electronic versions often require professional maintenance because of their specific treatment properties.

      Homes that gather dust easily or those that have pets or smokers living within should change their air filters at least bi-monthly.

      Smart Home reminds there is technology available that can be hooked to air filters. These devices will sound an alarm when the filter needs to be changed; taking the guess work out of the equation for the home owner.