Home Garden

Central Air Conditioner & Popping Noises

Running central air conditioners is hardly ever a silent affair. Instead, most air conditioners make a variety of sounds during operation, some of them loud and some of them quiet. While most noises an air conditioner makes are normal and just part of the operation, certain noises may make owners wonder what is causing the sound, such as a popping noise.
  1. Air Expansion and Contraction

    • Sometimes a popping sound coming from the central air conditioner is a result of normal air expansion and contraction as the warm air enters the home air ducts and then cools. The air ducts expand and contract along with the air, which can result in a popping sound. This is generally normal and does not require intervention, although owners can make a small dent in the air duct to change the air duct surface and reduce the sound.

    Dirty Air Ducts

    • If the popping sound is extremely loud or is becoming more frequent, it is possible that the air ducts are dirty and need cleaning. While industrious homeowners can do this once they turn off the air conditioner and unplug it, it is a task best left to professionals who have the machines and tools necessary to properly clean all of the air ducts in a home.

    Blower Problems

    • A high-pitched popping or squealing sound from an air conditioner may indicate that the motor blower belt is slipping and is causing problems within the air conditioner. Additionally, a piece of the mechanism may have come loose and is either flapping or popping during operation, creating the noise. This is a problem that will require professional assistance, so turn the air conditioner off and unplug it and call a technician for repair.


    • Newer central air conditioner units are more energy efficient and are also quieter, with fewer noises and sounds during operation. Older air conditioners tend to have older parts that have gotten dirty, worn or even broken or damaged, which result in more noises coming from the air conditioner, including whizzing, squealing, whooshing and popping. Contacting a service professional to have the air conditioner cleaned and any necessary repair maintenance performed can reduce the noise of the unit and may even prolong the overall life of the appliance.